Tuesday, February 12, 2008

And so it ends...

Today we finished All Quiet... and did these questions in class. Finish them for HW.
  1. What mounting evidence is there in the final two chapters of just how badly Germany is losing the war? Give SPECIFIC examples with page numbers.
  2. Why does Paul compare war to a deadly disease on page 271?
  3. Why do the tanks embody the horror of war for Paul and his comrades? (282)
  4. Stylistically, how does Remarque make the final two paragraphs different from the rest of the book? Why do you think he chose to do this?
  5. Explain the significance of the book’s title.
  6. Why does Remarque have Paul die a month before the armistice? Do you think Paul is better off dead? Explain why.
Tomorrow we will begin the formal essay on this novel. Handouts are available here if you'd like to get a jump on it.

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