Friday, February 29, 2008

Papers and Propaganda

Today we started by looking at a good body paragraph and breaking it into its parts: topic sentence (w/ theme), context, quotation (with citation), and explanation and analysis. I handed back AQWF rough drafts (and a pile of other stuff), and we discussed the expectations for revision and final drafts. We concluded the day with a few more propaganda notes.

Due Dates:
Monday (3/2)~Turn in All Quiet on the Western Front.
Wednesday (3/5)~Final Draft AQWF Essays due (w/ roughs and graphic organizers)

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Propaganda Analysis

Today we reviewed the 5 tools totalitarian dictators use to gain and maintain control, and then moved on to a discussion of propaganda specifically. Focusing primarily on the media work we did yesterday. I collected yesterday's work as well.

AQWF rough drafts will be returned tomorrow. Final drafts are due next Wednesday, 3/5.

AQWF books will turned in on Monday, 3/3, when we check out Animal Farm.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Media Analysis: A Beginning

Today, after a review of Allegory and Fable, we began a media analysis exercise using the bits of persuasive media students brought in. The questions are below.

Notice/Focus Media Analysis, Part 1

  1. Make a list of at least 10 things that you notice about your advertisement or piece of media. What stands out? 5 minutes
  2. Choose three things from your list. What makes these things particularly significant or interesting? Explain in detail. 5 minutes

Notice/Focus Media Analysis, Part 1

Compare notes with a partner, and add responses to the following questions to your previous notice/focus work. 10 minutes

  1. What things do your media have in common? Do the media’s creators use similar techniques to get their message across? What are those techniques?
  2. What are the messages of your media?
  3. Who are the targets of these messages? (e.g. women, men, teens, children, etc.) How do you know? Be specific.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Today we continued our look at allegory and fable, finishing our discussion of "Terrible Things" and moving on to a discussion of Dr. Seuss' "The Sneeches."

HW: Bring in an advertisement or short persuasive piece of media of some sort.


  1. a print advertisement (from a magazine, newspaper, etc.)
  2. video clip on portable device (iPod, phone) (a TV ad, clip from a presidential debate, etc.)

Due Wednesday

Monday, February 25, 2008

Allegories and Fables

Today we started a short look at allegories and fables as a part of our run up to Orwell's Animal Farm.

I also collected typed rough drafts of the AQWF essay.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Topic Sentences, Hurray!

Today we worked on topic sentences for a bit at the beginning of the period and then spend the rest of the time working on essay drafts.

Remember, typed drafts e-mailed to me by Wednesday of next week are worth 10 points extra credit!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Lovin' the New Due Dates!

Today we worked a bit on thesis statements in the warm-up and then spend the rest of the period working on essays. I also changed the due dates for the paper because I'm such a nice guy.

New Due Dates:

  • Worksheet 2/14
  • Rough Draft #1 (Extra Credit) 2/20 (by email)
  • Rough Draft #1 (Normal Credit) 2/25
  • Final Drafts TBA

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Essay Magic

Today we started our culminating essay on AQWF. Handouts are online at the handouts page.

Due Dates:
  • Worksheet 2/14
  • Rough Draft #1 2/15
  • Rough Draft #2 (Extra Credit) 2/20 (by email)
  • Rough Draft #2 (Normal Credit) 2/25
  • Final Drafts 2/29

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

And so it ends...

Today we finished All Quiet... and did these questions in class. Finish them for HW.
  1. What mounting evidence is there in the final two chapters of just how badly Germany is losing the war? Give SPECIFIC examples with page numbers.
  2. Why does Paul compare war to a deadly disease on page 271?
  3. Why do the tanks embody the horror of war for Paul and his comrades? (282)
  4. Stylistically, how does Remarque make the final two paragraphs different from the rest of the book? Why do you think he chose to do this?
  5. Explain the significance of the book’s title.
  6. Why does Remarque have Paul die a month before the armistice? Do you think Paul is better off dead? Explain why.
Tomorrow we will begin the formal essay on this novel. Handouts are available here if you'd like to get a jump on it.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Chapter 10

Today we had a brief quiz and then discussed chapter 10. Read chapter 11 tonight, or finish the book if you'd like.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

A Return to Normalcy

We began today with a short quiz on chapters 8 and 9 of All Quiet, followed by a general discussion of the text. We concluded the period working on the questions below which we will continue tomorrow.

HW: Start chapter 10

Chapter 7-9 Discussion Qs
  1. 1.Why does Paul regret his leave? Specifically, what happens while he is at home that makes his leave difficult?
  2. 2.Contrast Paul’s killing of Duval, the French printer, with Oellrich’s sniping at the end of chapter 9. Why does Kat say, “It’s very good for [Paul] to see it [Oellrich’s sniping] just now”?
  3. 3.Finally, in these chapters, Paul begins to understand something about war. What does his experience with the Russian soldiers and Duval (and conversations he has with his friends) teach him about war?

Friday, February 1, 2008

Goodbye CAHSEE Books

Today was our last CaHSEE warm-up (sad I know). We'll talk about the test a bit more on Monday.

Today we spent much of the period reading and taking notes. Chapter 7 should be well underway!