Friday, August 31, 2007

Course Description & Greek/Latin Roots

WU: Reviewed Business Letter

Course description quiz and discussion.

Collected letters of introduction. These should all be in by now.

Continued the Greek/Latin Roots Assignment. In periods 1 and 2, this assignment should be completed by class time on Tuesday.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Intro Letter and Greek/Latin Roots

Today most people finished typing business letters and handed them in with their rough drafts. We also started looking at Greek and Latin roots with a short handout.

HW: See yesterday.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Introductory Letter

Today we made name tags and worked on a letter of introduction where you will tell me something about you as a student and practice the business letter format. Most of you should have finished your rough draft in class. We will continue this assignment in class Thursday.

HW: Read the Course Description passed out in class. Expect a quiz Friday, 8/31, and have it signed and returned by Tuesday, 9/4. Remember, most handouts are online.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The First Day

Today we did a short activity about first impressions and how they are so often wrong. Be aware of the stereotypes we all fall back on and let's start this year with an open respect that continues all year.

No homework for my class today, but you did have that paragraph for Brooks...